
Cashpor Micro Credit Score : Find Loans, Interest Rates, Eligibility And Options

- Weekly repayment frequency- Quantity of loan - Minimum Rs 2,000 and Maximum Rs 15,000- Grace Interval - Two weeks in the beginning- Variety of installments to be paid by the borrower - 50- Rate of curiosity - 23.94% per annum on a weekly reducing balance- Processing Charges of 1% of the mortgage amount (inclusive of service tax)- Insurance coverage premium and coverage - Life insurance protection of Rs...

Cashpor Micro Credit Score : Find Loans, Interest Rates, Eligibility And Options

- Weekly repayment frequency- Quantity of loan - Minimum Rs 2,000 and Maximum Rs 15,000- Grace Interval - Two weeks in the beginning- Variety of installments to be paid by the borrower - 50- Rate of curiosity - 23.94% per annum on a weekly reducing balance- Processing Charges of 1% of the mortgage amount (inclusive of service tax)- Insurance coverage premium and coverage - Life insurance protection of Rs...

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