Building: 30,928 m2
Divisibility: Divisible to a minimum of 15,000 m2
(161,460 sq. ft.)
Office Area: (included) 3%, expandable to suit
Clear Height: 32 ft (9.75 m)
Column Spacing: Loading Area 18.30 m x 15.24 m (60 ft x 50 ft)
Warehouse Area: 15.24 m x 15.24 m (50 ft x 50 ft)
Parking Spaces: 228
Posible Docks: 31
Ramps: 2 drive-in ramps per building
Trailer Storage: Available
Truck Court: Full concrete 60 m (197 ft), minimum 36 m (118 ft)
Construcion Type: Tilt-Up walls and steel structure with vinyl paint finish
Floor: 15 cm thick / 250 kg/cm2 f’c; reinforced with #3 steel bar @35 cm in
both ways
Roof: KR-18, zintro alum, gauge #24, 3″ fiber glass blanket insulation
Skylights: 5%
Ventilation: 2 air changes per hour
Lightning: LED (300 Luxes)
Power: 500 KVA per 10,000 m2 (107,640 sq. ft.)
Fire Protection System: Exterior hydrants and interior fire hose reels connected to Industrial
Park Fire Protection System. Buildings can be upgraded to ESFR
sprinkler system.
Water Service: Deep water well with a pumping capacity of 20 LPS
Security: 3-Meter Concrete Wall and 1-Meter of Electrified Mesh Perimeter.
24/7 Guarded Entrances, Certified as “Secure Industrial Park” by